UK Mortgage Fraud: A Common Law Remedy

This UK-centric process is not for the faint-hearted or those looking for a quick-fix. If you not in default but have gleaned sufficient knowledge to know that you have been duped, conned and/or misled, then you might consider taking the following course of action against your mortgage bandit, whose entire modus operandi is to get you […]

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The Comet of 562 AD

“And then a Star of enormous size appeared to Ythyr, having a single shaft, and at the head of the shaft a ball of fire in shape of a dragon, and from the dragon’s jaws, two beams went upward, the one beam reaching towards the farthest parts of Ffraink and the other beam towards Iwerddon, […]

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Assumption, Presumption & Trust

The most difficult obstacle to overcome is not the inherent evil and corruption within the system that has enslaved mankind; neither is it the standard, cognitively dissonant refusal of the courts and legal professions to acknowledge the validity of our claims against the corporatist state. In my own experience, by far the greatest obstacle to […]

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Lawful Rebellion or Claim of Right?

In August 2008 CE, I came to a seemingly inevitable crossroads in this present incarnation. Unforeseen circumstances had presented me with two choices: declare Lawful Rebellion under Article 61 of the Magna Carta; or revoke my consent to governed by serving Elizabeth II a SOVEREIGN DECLARATION & CLAIM OF RIGHT. For one very simple reason, […]

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