Grain Poisoning, Hives and Chaga Mushrooms

beautiful sunset 2 grain

“Grains are the seeds of a plant. They’re its reproductive material, and plants don’t make their reproductive material to give away for free to other animals. If they did they’d become extinct, and so the evolutionary strategy that many plants, particularly cereal grains have taken to prevent predation is to evolve toxic compounds so that the predator of the seeds can’t eat them, so that they can put their seeds in the soil where they’re meant to be to grow a new plant and not in the gut of an animal to feed it.”

Dr. Loren Cordain, a professor at Colorado State University and an expert on Paleolithic lifestyles.

It would seem almost certain that my two year old daughter’s gut has been poisoned by indigestible anti-nutrients such as Gliadin and Lectins found in the grains that have made up a large part of the vegetarian diet she has followed since my wife and I first introduced her to solid foods. Were it not for the her prolific and continued consumption of her mother’s milk, the preliminary research we have completed on this complex and confusing subject has revealed that she would otherwise have been vulnerable to long-term illness and disease.

In effect, this has resulted in the good bacteria that are essential for her healthy digestion being replaced by harmful bacteria that actively prevent her body’s absorption of essential vitamins and minerals in other foods, which caused holes in the lining of the stomach, allowing undigested food and waste matter to pass into her blood stream, more often than not causing some form of autoimmune response in her body, in the form of chronic outbreaks of hives.

Eating grains increases intestinal permeability

This serious and very common condition, which is almost always mistaken for a food allergies or intolerance, has been exacerbated in my daughter because of her consumption of foods such as pasteurized low-fat cheese, yoghurt and butter, in which phosphatase, the essential enzyme required for absorption of calcium, as well as lipase, an enzyme unique to milk and needed to complete the digestion of its saturated fats, are destroyed by the pasteurisation process, thereby making them extremely problematic for the human digestive system to deal with.

The Problems of Pasteurisation

These mostly organic but processed food products were incorporated into her diet as replacements for meat, fish and eggs, but have triggered sudden autoimmune responses to all foods containing high levels of histamine, from nightshade plants such as tomatoes and peppers, to seeds, nuts, pineapples and coconut oil, as manifested in random outbreaks of red, raised hives all over her body, which are made worse by any sudden changes in temperature, as well as the consumption of foods containing high levels of histamine.

This particular condition is known as Cold Urticaria and anecdotal evidence posted on various hives-related internet forums suggests that the symptoms can take anywhere between a few months and a couple of decades to clear up. At it most virulent, my daughter’s entire face has been red and swollen with hives, along with almost all of her body.

The fact that since the onset of the condition she has eaten mostly low histamine foods cooked in unpasteurised butter or animal fat, none of which caused the hives to reappear, would seem to give substantial weight to the deduction that the much lauded low-fat high-fibre vegetarian diet has impeded my daughter’s digestive system, causing her immune system to kick into almost permanent overdrive, as it fights to rid her body of toxins.

Searching for the cause of this malady and its cure has been like looking for a needle in a haystack for my deeply concerned wife and I, but to cut a long story short, from what we have experienced over the past twenty weeks or so, there appears to be only one way to prevent further outbreaks and reverse the damage:

a. refrain from all grains, legumes, pasteurised diary and high-histamine foods.

b. replace the offending foods with fresh low-histamine organic grass-fed meat, vegetables and fruit.

c. drink one cup of chaga mushroom tea in the morning and one before bed.

We have cautiously concluded that our daughter would not have suffered chronic Cold Urticaria if she had been following a grass-fed meat-based diet, on the basis that our research and experience strongly suggest that the root causes of this type of autoimmune reaction are the very substances that we are continually told to replace meat with by organised religions, spiritual gurus, governments, corporations and both the mainstream and the alternative media, when there is a plethora of scientific evidence which demonstrates that the very presence of the vitamins and minerals contained in organic grass-fed meat actively prevents such autoimmune responses.

The Benefits of Grass-Fed Meat

Thankfully, with the generous assistance of a friend of raw food advocate, David Wolfe, who has written a book on the subject, we appear to have ascertained a powerful natural remedy for problems related to the human immune system; chaga mushrooms, as discussed in the article below:

The King of Plants

Since a few days after beginning her new diet, there have been no hives on our daughter’s face or body, save for a few mild and isolated outbreaks, each of which disappeared much quicker than before, but without reappearing elsewhere, as they so frequently did for almost 10 weeks. Each isolated outbreak has been caused by her accidental consumption of grains added to foods they are not normally associated with.

However, nature’s remedy necessitated a complete re-examination of our family’s consumption of food, which we were formerly convinced was as healthy as it could possibly be while living in a polluted metropolitan environment. I honestly felt that there was no possibility I would ever eat animal flesh again, let alone sit down to explain to my daughter the health benefits of eating organic grass-fed, free range beef, pork, poultry and game. Inevitably, the decision was hers, not ours, since she has shown a deep love for all animals since the day she was born.

The promise we have made to each other is that we will only eat the flesh of animals that have lived freely and happily in the wild or on organic free range farms, and that we will be eternally grateful to each animal who gives their flesh so that we can benefit from the essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals we can obtain from no other food source.

I now understand why there has been such a concerted effort to prevent mankind from eating meat, in the light of the significant detriment a vegetarian diet has had on my own general physical strength and well-being over the four years that I strictly adhered to an anti-nutritional regime, during which my muscle tone diminished, my overall body fat increased and I felt suspended in a perpetual state of craving the nutrients I was starving my body of, no matter how many organic fruits, nuts, grains, legumes and vegetables I consumed.

Two weeks after beginning our new diet, I had lost an inch and a half off my waist, my muscle tone increased with much less effort than before, my energy levels had significantly risen and I had very happily become accustomed to feeling like I was feeding my body exactly what it needed, when it needed it. Three months later, at the time of writing, I can wholeheartedly affirm the benefits of adopting an organic grass-fed meat, vegetable and fruit diet, whilst the miraculous effects of drinking chaga mushroom tea cannot be overstated, which the return of the blooming health and vitality of my daughter happily substantiates.

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