Russellian Science: “A New Concept Of The Universe” by Walter Russell


Excerpts from pages 3-7 in A New Concept of the Universe.

Russell lays out the case against academic cosmology in great detail in this book.

Newton, Einstein, Hawking, Sagan and lately Micho koo koo have all been dethroned for the false science they taught for their corporate masters. The false academic sciences have been utterly demolished within the pages of the many volumes written by Walter and Lao Russell regarding the true Nature of our Universe.

If anyone is still slaved into this false, corporate owned belief system, I would suggest reading all of DB Larson’s many books which have proved beyond any doubt that quacakdemic science is nothing more than a dumbed down mind control program which enslaves humanity to:energy barons, war mongers and central bankers.

Reciprocal Systems

The Stream of images in this vid series is a collection of the diagrams created by Walter Russell in his attempt to explain the simple yet extremely detailed Cosmology which was revealed to him by the very Universal Mind which is our source. This information is based on mind knowing, whereas western science is based on sense thinking ie. empirical reductionism, which has diverged from Nature and Reality.

My intent is to communicate directly with the inner “knower” via these images. The synchronistic association of images with the narrative was created without thought, with the exception of Einstein’s images.

It is my hope that these images speak to your inner knower and awaken memories of who you are, on your spiraling path, in the scope of eternity. We are all of Universal Mind and therefore we have access to all knowledge when we commune with that which is our higher selves, The Universal One.

This video presentation on the wonders of Russellian Science was produced by Robert Arnett Otey of Free Energy and Free Thinking.

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