Antony C. Sutton Interviews

Interview 1

A classic interview by Professor Antony Sutton, who taught economics at California State University, and was a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

In this talk, Prof. Sutton goes into his impeccable research on how a close-knit group of Western financiers and industrialists (centered around Morgan and Rockefeller in the US, and around Milner and the City financiers, in the UK) created and sustained their three supposed enemies right from the very beginning: Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, and FDR’s Fabian socialism.

Particularly, he goes into how Wall Street/City of London financiers used their banking institutions and their industrial enterprises to:

1) Help finance and sustain the Bolshevik Revolution. Build up Soviet industry during Lenin’s Five-Year Plans, both through finance, technology/industrial transfers and technical assistance. Continue to build the Soviets throughout the entire Cold War, through the same kinds of deals. This included the Korea and the Vietnam eras, during which American troops were being killed by… Western-made Soviet equipment.

2) Build up Nazi Germany, both financially and industrially;

3) Get FDR into power in America as their man, and even draw up the New Deal policies, especially FDR’s National Recovery Act — designed by Gerard Swopes of General Electric and deeply welcomed by Wall Streeters Morgan, Warburg and Rockefeller.

Sutton was not a wild speculator. He was a distinguished academic researcher who documented his conclusions impeccably in his several works. Not being able to counter his research, the establishment (including academia) simply attempts to ignore it, and pretend it isn’t there.
The purpose for these Wall Street policies was very simple: to create, and globalize, what Sutton calls Corporate Socialism. A system under which everything in society is ruled by the state, and the state is, in its stead, controlled by financiers who, hence, get to rule and manage society, to their liking. In other words, to get society to work for the financiers, using a socialist state as an intermediary.
This is what we now know as the globalization economic model. As a result of all the clashes of the 20th century, most notably WWII and the Cold War (fought between powers that were manipulated and controlled by these banker cliques), the world has been ‘globalized’. Meaning that it has been entirely taken over by these financiers, and is ever closer to being completely ruled by them, through not only the national states and national central banking systems, but mainly through supranational agencies and institutions.

Go into Professor Sutton’s books, most notably the Hoover Institute’s series on Western technological/industrial transfers to the Soviets and the ‘Wall Street’ trilogy. If you have a difficulty in purchasing the original books, you’ll find most of them are easily available online, on pdf form.

Expose psyops, eugenics and Arcana Arcanorum, the Brotherhood of the Snake and Luciferianism, upheld by Jesuits – Scottish Rite – Masons – Vatican – Zionists – Monarchy – Intel Agents – Bankers – Politicians – False Prophets – Military / Judges / CEO’s / Media / Scientists / Celebs – Average Joe.

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. -Martin Luther King, Jr.

The only difference between today’s slavery and that of the South is that in the South the plantation owners paid for the chains. -Allan keys

No matter how paranoid you are, what they’re actually doing is worse than you can possibly imagine! -Ralph J. Gleason

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man — brave — hated — scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot. – Samuel Langhorne Clemens (MarkTwain)

It is incompatible to be dishonest in one area of one’s life and honest in another. -Deanna Spingola

Interview 2

A revealing interview with Professor Sutton about the history, customs and influence of the Skull & Bones secret society.

Interview 3

A brilliant interview with one of the greatest researchers ever, Professor Antony Sutton, the author of Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler, where he shows how bankers, businessmen and politicians in the west supported and financed both the communist and the Nazis, all according to their Hegelian dialectic plan for world control.

Interview 4

Antony Sutton has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state’s technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet’s large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.

Professor Richard Pipes of Harvard said in his book, Survival Is Not Enough: Soviet Realities and America’s Future (Simon & Schuster;1984): “In his three-volume detailed account of Soviet Purchases of Western Equipment and Technology . . . [Antony] Sutton comes to conclusions that are uncomfortable for many businessmen and economists. For this reason his work tends to be either dismissed out of hand as ‘extreme’ or, more often, simply ignored.”

The report was too much and Sutton’s career as a well-paid member of the academic establishment was under attack and he was told that he “would not survive”.

His work led him to more questions than answers. “Why had the US built-up it’s enemy? Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to Hitler’s Germany? Why does Washington want to conceal these facts?”

Sutton, following his leads, proceeded to research and write his three outstanding books on Wall Street, FDR, the Rise of Hitler, and The Bolshevik Revolution. Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and “a picture jumped out”. And what a picture! A multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to ‘Illuminati’ influences in 1830’s Germany.

This playlist was originally posted on this website’s Youtube Channel, CIT I ZEN.


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