Wake-The-Feck-Up Podcast #004: Just-US System Declared Void

Wake-The-Feck-Up Podcast #004: Just-US System Declared Void


There now follows an audio reconstruction of the judgment of HHJ Behrens and my subsequent response to his decision, which is subject to Crown Copyright and published under a Fair Use Notice for educational purposes, having been handed down at the ex-parte hearing of the application by the Trustees of my family’s property trust for permission to proceed with Judicial Review of the void order of HHJ Walton, in the High Court at Leeds on 28 June 2012, following an order by Judge Langan on 22 May 2012, striking out the application as “vexatious”, but allowing for an oral hearing upon the request of the Trustees, whom I represented in person under powers of attorney granted to me for the purposes of doing so.

The only words which have been redacted are those expressing a form of my private restricted trade-name, which I used throughout the entire course of the proceedings, conducted under the explicit instructions of the Trustees at all times.

Just-US System Declared Void

Statutory Law of UK Mortgages
Sahib Times Law Report
Unenforceable Charges

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